Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Baking With Mama

Remember when I said how much I love all the scrumptious goodies of Christmastime?  Today we began rolling!  

 Liberty wanted to help too!



 Butter Balls/Mexican Wedding Cake Cookies

 With cinnamon
 Tasty treats!

 My quaint little snowman. Yeah, I plan on becoming a famous artist in sculpture.
(Lots of sarcasm)

Mischievous Liberty at it again!

 Clara wanted to take a picture of her snowman. Trying to show me up. *pouts*

"LIBERTY! Get out of the trashcan!"

 Not again!

 In her mother's shoes

Baking with Mama is so much fun!

Monday, December 13, 2010

TSA Travel Terror: Totalitarian Dictatorship

The late great General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur said this: "I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any potential threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within which, opposed to all of our great traditions, have gravely weakened the structure and tone of our American way of life."

What has happened to Americans to allow this?  America has really lost her once-liberty-loving soul.  No one seems to care much anymore except a handful of people.  I'll give it to you bluntly, folks: America is headed has already reached a crisis point.  We are socialists and communists living underneath a totalitarian government.  Don't believe me?  How do you account for this and this?  America, you've got a lot of explaining to do.

Perhaps this news surprises you, or even puts fear in your heart like it does mine.  What right have we to complain about life's very simple problems when this country has far bigger ones?  Christians, it is time to rise up out of our comfort zone, dig our buried heads out of the sand, and fight the fight of faith!  (Ephesians 6)  This is a rallying battle cry to every American: man or woman, boy or girl.  We all can make a difference.  

To join in a reformation that is seeking Christ's crown and covenant, visit Covenant Commission.  We are dedicated to reforming the home, church, and civil government.  Yes, this is the holiday season and no one wants to be bogged down in gloom, so don't!  This reformation can be exciting, if we will put our hand to the plow and never look back.  Give Christmas an even greater meaning this year.  Christ came to bring us life; therefore make the most of it.  Make a difference.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!"

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is now focusing-on-Christmas-time!  Sorry folks, I'm afraid that my blog posts will be few and in-between until the holidays are over.  I'll post whenever I can, but I cannot promise articles or even poetry.  Maybe pictures and a few words every now and then, for my time is numbered.  I should be knitting right now...

One thing I really enjoy about the holiday season is all the goodies.  Yeah, call me addictive, but everything is just always so good!  My mama has a knack for making the best stuff each year.  Her peanut butter fudge is to die for!  Honestly, I'm not kidding.  

Our Christmas tree was put up the day after Thanksgiving, and we had a blast decorating it.  Isn't it wonderful that we can have a symbol of eternal life right in front of us, all shimmering and beautiful?

Liberty loves the tree so much that she has the temptation to touch it constantly...even when she isn't supposed to.  "Be a good girl, Liberty!"

The weather has actually been cold enough to snow! (Wishing...hoping...praying...)  Some days have been colder than up north in Indiana.  Hopefully a sign?  Yeah, my siblings and I are (secretly) hoping that it snows again this year (probably a record for Georgia).  Georgians just don't know what they are missing without snow: SNOWballs, SNOW fights, SNOWmen, hot chocolate, SNOWflakes, SNOW-laden trees, icicles, SLEDDING, etc.etc.  They are really missing out.  Christmas just doesn't seem like Christmas without snow.

So, it may not be looking like Christmas right now, but it sure does feel like it!  I get to use hats and gloves and scarves and coats and sweatshirts and socks and pants all at the same time.  Now that the cold weather is here, I find I can bear it so much better than the summer's heat.  This is also the perfect weather for crocheting and knitting.  I've been so busy preparing for Christmas, but hallelujah I'm almost done!  Just in time too, for it is two weeks away!  I'll post some pictures of my finished creations soon.

To complete this post, Grace and I always have so much fun together (okay, most of the time anyway), so we took a few pictures yesterday.  The last one is pretty crazy; she knocked my hat off.  I know, we sure are oddballs.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Life Without Limits"

 Just recently I began using Multnomah's Blogging for Books program.  All I have to do is read a book, write a small review, and then I'll get to keep the book!  Plus, I can do the same thing over and over again! (Bonus!)  Free books? I'm in!  (Book lover!)  My first choice was Nick Vujicic's book Life Without Limits.

Most people would view a limbless man inadequate to face life's challenges.  There could be no hope or triumph for such a person. On the contrary, Nick Vujicic has proven people like that wrong.  This is a true story of a man born without either arms or legs, yet his life shows more fulfillment than a wholly formed "normal" person.  What is the secret?  His book, Life Without Limits shows how even a life like his can be full of hope, peace, joy, and love - no strings attached.  Our outlook on life will determine if we are happy or discouraged, hopeless or hopeful.  Struggles, challenges, and fears will still be obstacles, but with the right outlook on life we can experience life in the deepest sense of the word.  Even still yet, a life without Christ will always be hopeless.  From Christ is where Nick Vujicic draws his ultimate strength.  We can do nothing without Christ, yet with Him we can do anything!  This is the promise in Mr. Vujicic's life.  His daily life is a reminder that with God nothing is impossible.

I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Remembering Thanksgiving

 It has finally happened.  

The jolly Christmas season is here again!  I don't know about you, but my heart leaps at those words!  Christmastime.  I actually get goosebumps just thinking about everything that word entails.  The most important aspect is the most joyous of all.  To think that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come down to earth to be born of a depraved human woman, live a life here on earth, and eventually die for the elect's sins, is totally incomprehensible.  That much love is surreal.  Yet it really did happen.  It is breathtaking.

Of course, there is so much more I could add.  Christmastime is filled the the loveliest memories of snow, hot chocolate, laughter, opening presents, Christmas trees that symbolize eternal life, decorating the Christmas tree, hats and gloves and scarves and coats and sweatshirts and socks and pants, snuggling up under the covers on a cold morning, leaves that turn colors, of course taking lots of pictures, listening to the cold wind howl, crocheting and knitting, listening to Christmas music once out of the year (one of my all-time favorites), shopping, baking-and-then-eating-what-we-just-baked, family visits, friends coming over, etc. etc. etc.  There is so much it is impossible to list everything.  The holidays are always the best times of the year, especially Christmas.

 But something comes before Christmastime.  I sincerely hope everyone hasn't forgotten about it.  Thanksgiving.  Many people imagine Thanksgiving is the time once out of the year to thank God for our blessings and then be done with it.  Thanksgiving is past so we forget our blessings.  Oops.  That's not the way it's supposed to be.  Every day ought to be a thanksgiving to our Creator God for all the many wonderful blessings He has blessed us with.  I mentioned some of them in the joys of Christmas above.  Even in a socialistic and communistic nation, the righteous are still blessed.  God only knows what will happen in the future, but for now we ought to praise and thank Him every day.  There isn't only one day out of 365 that we do this.  Every day is supposed to be a celebration unto the King of kings.

The holidays are always fun
We enjoy many things
Family, food, and friends surround us
During Christmastime gaiety sings

A small period of time we will miss
If we are caught unaware
For all of these blessings we must be thankful
And show our families how much we care

Do not let Thanksgiving by
All blessings come sweetly from above
A grateful heart God will bless
Let us thank Him with our love

A thankful heart will cherish time
It will capture every moment's grace
Sun, moon, flower, and child
All are confined in blessing's vase

Softly now, listen
Thanksgiving is creeping close
Remember to thank God for each day
Love is given in many a dose

Too soon Thanksgiving will be gone
So much we shall miss!
Thanksgiving should remain a treasure
Like purity's life kiss

 Be glad about the oncoming Christmas season!  I certainly am.  But we mustn't forget that God grants each new day; therefore praise Him for every breath of life.  Don't let Thanksgiving by.  That includes every day, for each day is to be a thanksgiving to our God.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


 We have just begun an etsy shop! (You can view here.) So far we have scarves, dishcloths, and a hat on the market, perfect for cold and blustery winter days (various luminous colors will be added to our collection).  More items will be coming sometime soon (hopefully).  We have decided to put our talents to the test, so to speak.  From now until Thanksgiving everything will be on sale.  Take this chance! Any interest is most appreciated!

Here is the Reformation Day post I promised.  Unfortunately I couldn't upload all of my pictures (too many), but these should suffice.  It was a day to be remembered.

My gorgeous mother in her new shawl

 Liberty's sill new grin

 Pioneer girls

 Little Martin Luther

 Pumpkin bars with chocolate chips = happiness

 Reformed Preacher ready preach!

 My beautiful aunt

 All the kids

 Mommy & Baby

 Going for the baby doll look

 Sweet little Maggie


 Messy face

 Scottish Covenanter ready for battle!

Straight from Jane Austin

A date that will never be forgotten...

And so ended a perfectly wondrous day.